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[The pictures extracted from lectures or public websites are mainly for teaching purposes]


❃ Fluid Mechanics for Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE)

  • Master the fundamentals of fluid mechanics (basic properties, hydro-statics, conservation of mass, momentum and energy, & dimensional analysis)

  • Apply appropriate principles to solve complex fluid problems in civil & environmental engineering

  • Evaluate the correct applications of basic fluid concepts and laws to different situations critically

  • Acquire basic laboratory experimental techniques and essential knowledge of fluid mechanics

  • Participate eagerly in the team discussions and be active in the group work (experimental groups)

  • Understand the impacts of fluid mechanics on the other relevant fields (e.g., environmental, structural and geotechnical problems)

  • Train qualified graduates for young engineers and researchers in civil & environmental engineering as well as other related disciplines

  • ...

❃ Hydraulics, Hydrology & Hydrodynamics

& Waves in Hydrosystems

  • Apply the basic principles of fluid mechanics to analyze and formulate effective solutions to hydraulic and hydrological engineering problems

  • Employ contemporary numerical tools to model and design drainage problems by utilizing pipes or open channels as conveyors

  • Evaluate the performance of pipe networks and channel control structures, with establishing local rainfall-runoff correlations

  • Explain hydraulic and hydrological problems and their solutions logically and lucidly

  • Embrace more advanced hydraulic theories and analysis techniques for practical applications

  • Understand the hydrodynamic process and mechanism of hydrosystems including urban water infrastructure and coastal & ocean system

  • Master key analytical and numerical methods for the wave problem analysis and design in different hydrosystems (shock wave, gravity waves, etc.)

  • Explore the understanding and solutions to the complex hydrodynamic problems (multi-phase flows, fluid-wave-structure interactions, etc.)

  • ...

Urban Drainage System Design & Coastal Flooding Control (MSc Subject)

  • Provide students the knowledge of the theory and practice of the design of surface and subsurface drainage systems 

  • Emphasize the application of basic engineering principles to the solution of drainage problems

  • Grasp the knowledge of the hydraulics of drainage systems and skills to design simple drainage structures

  • Identify potential drainage problems and suggest remedial measures for rehabilitating/designing drainage systems

  • Function in a team project, write technically sound reports and work independently in solving engineering problems

  • Explore the understanding and solutions to the complex coastal flooding issues under the global climate change, sea level rise and urbanization

  • ...


☀ Teaching Development Grant (TDG) - University Grants Committee (UGC) 2019-2022 Fund:

"Interactive Visualization Tool Based Enhancement for Leaning and Teaching in Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineering", Project, no. LTG19-22/SS/CEE2, 2020-2021, HK$220,000, 07/2020-12/2021, The Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,  PI: Dr. HF Duan (CEE/FCE)

  • Update the fluid visualization and teaching materials (experimental test videos) for key concepts of boundary layer/conditions, so as to promote the learning and teaching of Fluid Mechanics subject

  • Produce full-view animations and/or dynamic figures to visualize the details of flow properties and fluid motion, so as to supplement the understanding and study of the videos developed above

  • Develop a set of online resources to implement and demonstrate the teaching and learning materials of the developed visualization tools (above online teaching and learning videos and animations)

  • Explore the possibility for promoting and sharing the interactive teaching and learning tools and pedagogies from this project

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 TDG Project Products (Videos for Teaching)

☀ Large Equipment Fund (LEF) for Teaching - Areas of Excellence Committee (AoEC), PolyU:

"Emriver Em4 Geomodel (Em4)", Ref. no. CEE-2, 2020-2021, HK$900,000, The Areas of Excellence Committee (AoEC), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,  Team Leader: Dr. HF Duan (CEE/FCE)

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